Dr Bergeron Office

Clarence M. Bergeron, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist


623 Belanger Street

Houma, LA 70360

(985) 851-6257

Fax (985) 851-6065


email cmbergeronphd@aol.com



Doxy.me address doxy.me/drcbergeron





Adult ADHD

Couple Therapy




Thank you for considering using this office to determine if ADHD is a problem that you as an adult may be having.  It is common for physicians to refer adults to this office for ADHD evaluations.  The primary focus in this type of evaluation is ruling out other potential causes for inattention.  Therefore in comparison to a child/adolescent ADHD evaluation an adult evaluation is a little different.


The symptoms of ADHD, basically nine for inattention and nine for hyperactivity, have not changed for approximately the past twenty years.  DSM-IV and DSM 5T-R are very similar in diagnostic criteria.  Since the diagnostic criteria were primarily written for children, in this office we feel strongly that the evaluation procedure must look at whether signs of cognitive inattention are evident in an individual being tested.


This evaluation is often used to get accommodations in vocational technical school, community college, or college.  Another reason for the evaluation is to determine if psychostimulant medication or one of the second tier medicines for ADHD which are not psychostimulants can be utilized.  Many adults have difficulties utilizing psychostimulants because psychostimulants, even though they are the treatment of choice for ADHD, often cause increases in blood pressure and other possible side effects which are usually cardiology related which do not make them the treatment of choice sometimes for adults.


The type of testing that normally occurs for an adult is first the use of the intelligence test.  This mental ability testing compares inattention with other cognitive skills.  Second the Woodcock-Johnson, which is an achievement test, is utilized because the comparison between power tests and speeded tests shows the possible presence of inattention.  Attentional testing is done by a computer utilizing the IVA-CPT test.  This test is in its second edition and has been used primarily by neuropsychologists but its focus upon actual measurement of inattention is quite helpful.  This test has a high degree of false positives which means that it often over diagnoses the problem and therefore it is only one test utilized within a battery of tests.


Rating scales are also utilized.  The adult rating scales look at the types of symptoms adults often show who have ADHD.  A self-report and an observer type instrument are often utilized in this process.

Personality testing is often done for individuals who are complaining about inattention.  Severe amounts of anxiety and/or depression can often decrease someone’s inattention rather dramatically. 

The types of information that are needed for an adult ADHD evaluation include usually the following documents:


1. Any psychological or psychoeducational testing which has been done in the past by either a psychologist or learning disability specialist.


2. Any and all report card grades going back to the first grade to the present time.  For adults this is usually quite difficult to find.  The best place to start is wherever the adult finished high school at or the School Board Office where the adult finished high school.


It is usually quite confusing for the person or client who comes to this office to understand the whole process of an evaluation.  In this office I take great pains to test clients on multiple occasions so that their behavior can be seen over time and in different situations.  For adults the testing sessions may last anywhere from one to four hours.  Therefore the adult is often seen approximately on two separate meetings and sometimes three.


A full and complete evaluation for ADHD for an adult usually costs anywhere from $700.00 to $900.00.  The testing sessions are paid for as they occur.  Therefore payment by cash, check or Venmo is expected at the end of each testing session.  If you have any problems with this please do not hesitate to ask this psychologist as soon as possible about this.


Each adult who enters this office usually receives a rather personalized set of tests.  Individuals needs and learning differences are quite different from person to person.  The tests that are usually used for practically every adult ADHD evaluation includes IQ testing, achievement testing, and attentional testing.  As a result of the entire evaluation there is a report dictated and this report shall be reviewed at the last session which is one hour long.  This one hour long review session makes sure that you as an adult really understand what is in the report and can utilize the report effectively in the future by explaining it to others.


For adults it is an extremely confusing process to be evaluated because basically tests in doctor’s offices are usually done in either a lab or in a separate facility and usually are rather short in duration.


Psychologists such as myself are very detail oriented about understanding not only whether you show signs of ADHD but also the severity of that disorder.  Recommendations are made in the report and if any recommendation is desired it can be asked for and if the data supports it then it shall be included.  Usually as a result of the report accommodations for the educational setting, as well as medication suggestions are given to the client.  This psychologist does not prescribe medication.  This psychologist is more than happy to refer any adult client to individual physicians who have experience in medicating individuals with ADHD.  It should be clearly understood that ADHD has a decent response to psychostimulant medication near the amount of 80 percent success.  With this type of success it is not surprising that properly diagnosed adults with ADHD often benefit from appropriately given medication.


With this report in your hand you the consumer can certainly go to other individuals and get assistance such as accommodations in school, accommodations for standardized tests such as the MCAT or the LSAT exam or even the Graduate Record exam.  All of these standardized tests usually have a suggested test battery that this psychologist follows in great detail.  If you have any need to have accommodations for a standardized test then having that test company provide you and later this psychologist with the actual suggested tests required for the test battery would certainly be helpful.  In this office I have gone to great pains to be very specific about the type of tests that are utilized so that the tests report can be used later with outside agencies.


If you lose the copy provided at the review session there shall be a $20.00 charge in order to obtain another copy of your evaluation.  This psychologist does not send the report out to other agencies unless that is the manner and method in which that agency requires the report to be given out.  As in all other documents in this office your informed written consent is needed before your report is sent out to anyone at all.


I sincerely appreciate your considering having an ADHD evaluation performed in this office.  Just as with children I do not use any assistants in the performance of the testing.  Practically all of the testing is done one-on-one between the client and myself.  I have done this for over thirty years and I have evaluated thousands of individuals for a variety of purposes.  I work very diligently to keep the number of accommodations down.


Full evaluations for ADHD for adults take approximately three total meetings.  A testing session may last in duration anywhere from approximately one to four hours.  Please ask this psychologist about the estimated time of testing for any appointment.  I have agreed in the past, especially for adults that are coming from a long way away from Houma, to give the entire testing in about ½ to ¾ of a full day.


Thanks again for considering the use of this office to determine if you as an adult actually have ADHD.